What Is the Purpose of Window Tinting?


When it comes to securing your automobile, you certainly have a lot of alternatives. Some individuals may paint their automobile with a paint protection film, while others will cover their vehicle at night to protect it from the weather. However, you might tint your windows as an alternative.

Although the service may not look like it would be a safety precaution, window tinting may be a terrific method to maintain the integrity of your windshield and make it safer to drive with. However, before you contemplate having this process performed on your car, it is crucial that you understand it and the regulations around it.

Window Tinting Supplies

Tinting windows is not a do-it-yourself activity and should be completed by a professional vehicle detail shop that has the necessary products and is familiar with the tinting requirements. When these professionals tint windows, they insert a dyed film into your windows that can block off the sun’s UV rays and heat. It’s comparable to the material used in sunglasses and can minimize glare as well.

Automotive Elegance employs a more advanced tinting technique known as XPEL coatings, which is constructed of nano-ceramic material. It is more effective and long-lasting than other therapies. Depending on the setting, you may block between 88% and 98% of infrared heat.

Percentages of Tinting

Window tinting is available in a variety of colors. Some individuals prefer them darker than others, and retailers such as Automotive Elegance may provide varying tint volumes. These percentages are calculated and based on the amount of visible light that can be emitted, which is measured as VLT. The deeper the color, the lower the VLT.

However, as a precautionary measure for drivers as well as police officers, each state has its own rules governing the amount of tinting that can be applied to a car’s windows. The lowest VLT a vehicle may have for car window tinting in Andover, MA, is 35%, while most automobiles average around 50%.

The Advantages of Tinting

As previously said, tinting your windows is a useful choice as well as an attractive one. Windows, particularly windshields, are frequently impacted with a lot of debris and can be scuffed up by stones or hail that may fall on them over time. Window tint materials, particularly the XPEL coating, adhere to the glass and fill in all of the gaps and crevices caused by this damage.

The sun’s glare is lessened since the tint keeps bright lights out. Drivers will no longer have to squint on sunny days, which will help them feel safer on the road. Additionally, the lack of light rays helps prevent your car’s interior from deteriorating or scorching when parked.

Why Should You Work With Automotive Elegance?

When you want to improve the functionality and beauty of your automobile, it is critical that you find an automotive shop that employs cutting-edge procedures and technology. Residents of Andover, MA, have trusted Automotive Elegance for over 20 years, and it’s pretty simple to see why. Every service they give is of high quality, and they will always follow their aim to fulfill.

Automotive Elegance, most known for its paint protection techniques, employs XPEL materials in all of its services, including window tinting. This is due to the brand’s endurance in all weather situations and the fact that it is so durable that it comes with a lifetime warranty. For the past six years, Automotive Elegance has been recognized as an XPEL top dealer.

They provide three varieties of window tinting to fit your budget and protection needs. All, however, provide excellent heat resistance, UV protection, and driving visibility. When you work with their staff, you may go through all of your alternatives in greater detail. In addition to window tinting and paint protection, they also provide car wrapping and damage removal.

Your car’s windows are delicate and can degrade over time. Avoid the need for repeated repairs or replacements by installing window tinting. Call Automotive Elegance immediately for a free estimate and service that will far exceed your expectations.